A copy desk decline in Las Vegas

As an old newsie–four and a half decades as a journalist, much of that in newspapers–I especially have found the decline of the traditional print media to be a sad thing to watch. The outlets generally have fewer staffers, especially on things like copy desks, so quality is one of the first noticeable things to fade.

New To Las Vegas, I read the Las Vegas Review-Journal–Nevada’s largest newspaper–very closely. But I didn’t have to read the paper very closely this morning to see this in a staff-written story on the front page (the highlighting is mine):

copy desk decline

At this posting the same error appears online on the RJ website and hasn’t been fixed.

As the RJ might put it, we are all a lot more pour for this.

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A copy desk decline in Las Vegas — 4 Comments

  1. Funny, as I read this. it’s pooring outside (programming the flowers, as Richard Brautigan would say, though most likely with proper spelling). I have a visceral response to misspellings, immediately suspicious of the content and the writer, e.g. on the handwritten list of specials at the entrance to a restaurant. If they can’t learn to spell, I’m convinced they can’t learn to clean the kitchen.

    Always a treat to read your posts, Bill.

  2. What’s also frustrating is that most of these blogs and web sites get their info from AP, UPI, NYT, WP, Forbes without doing the investigating.
    Your house is for sale again….

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